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Sofia Parisi expert in content production, project management and communication.

The Missing Piece will complete the puzzle, helping and coordinating during the whole process.

What we can do together

Content Production Management

For your photo and video shoots, Sofia Parisi, alias The Missing Piece, can choose and manage the most suitable team of creatives, photographers, filmmakers and technicians. 

The Missing Piece can coordinate the content creation process from pre-production to delivery : budget administration, global organization, equipment rental, logistics, location scouting, authorizations, casting.

Project Management

Not only shootings: at The Missing Piece we love to coordinate every project with organization, regular reporting and efficiency. We’ll find the best way to make it work.

Whether it’s the documentary you never had time to create, a last-minute team-building event, a delayed capsule collection launch, or an unexpected big project, The Missing Piece will handle it for you.


The Missing Piece supports your brand storytelling from the ground up. Sofia helps craft your brand identity, create engaging content, and develop your social media presence.

Public relations and events are key to amplifying your brand voice. Sofia can also handle PR, organize press trips, empowerment team-building retreats, training camps, and tailor B2B or B2C events to your needs.

The Missing Piece

The Missing Piece is a dynamic and versatile production company dedicated to delivering seamless project management and content creation services. From managing complex photo and video shoots to supporting brand campaigns and collaborating with other production agencies, we provide tailored solutions to meet your needs.

With years of experience in the outdoor industry and expertise in coordinating international productions, Sofia ensures every project is executed with precision and creativity. Whether you’re a brand looking for end-to-end production support or an agency seeking a reliable partner, The Missing Piece is here to help.

Reach out to discuss your next project.

Based in Biarritz. Shipping worldwide.
In EN, FR, SP, IT 😉

References and partners