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Who's the Missing Piece?

The word « storytelling » was probably not that famous at the time, but I know I was passionate about it since I was a child. Mum can confirm it.

That’s why after 5 years of latin, ancient greek, philosophy (some little maths) in high school, I was still very motivated to study Literature and Journalism in Milan. At the same time, I discovered a love for mountains and the outdoors. Skiing, climbing, studying, running, reading, sunrise, writing, sunset: the perfect life for me. 

During my studies and after a master in Outdoor Sports Marketing and Communication in the French Alps, I started working in the Outdoor Industry: sport and brand communication, athletes and events management, and content creation.

In 2019 I was hired as Image Production Specialist for Salomon marketing team.

Here I landed into the magic world of Image Production: the perfect mix of creativity and project organization. For three years I managed action photo and video shootings, working with marketing experts, photographers, video-makers, production and communication agencies. I learned how to be a good intermediate between marketing needs and creatives possibilities.  Soon I started to enjoy multiple tasks, team and budget management. It’s project management, darling!

In 2022, after 3 years in the Salomon family, I decided to become a free-lance and to make available my expertise to different clients. 

The mission is to be that Missing Piece able to fit a project, complete a team, listen to new ideas, and well understand the client needs,  in order to coordinate in the best way the process from ideas to reality.

I’ll be always happy to listen to new projects, no matter the field of your activity. I’m curious and open-minded, and surrounded by a network of professional artists ready to switch their creativity on, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch! 

Sofia Parisi

+33 0781661002